Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Pet Bird

How to Choose the Best Location for Your Birdcage

Here are some additional considerations when putting your budgie’s cage outside. The Ideal Temperatures The most crucial factor to take into account before leaving your bird cage outside is the temperature. Make sure that the weather is comfortable for your…

What Do Cockatiels Hate?

1. Being made to perform any action With parrots, and cockatiels are no exception, this just doesn’t work. If you don’t train them to want to accomplish things on their own, your bond may suffer. These kinds of prey animals…

Do Cockatiels Get Along Well With Dogs

Cockatiels and Canines If you balance care with practicality, you might be able to securely keep a cockatiel in a house with a dog or dogs. As adorable and affectionate as your dog is, you must keep in mind that,…

Are Cockatiels Good Pets For Beginners?

Price The cost of buying a cockatiel might vary significantly based on your location, the time of year you buy one (consider breeding season), and if you prefer to buy a young bird or an older one. Since young cockatiels…

Can Two Parrots Coexist In the Same Cage?

Many people who own parrots are aware of how important friendship and socializing are for our birds. In reality, parrots are among the most sociable animals, therefore extensive socializing is crucial. There are a few crucial factors to take into…

How To Keep Your Bird In Good Behavior

WHAT RESULT IN DIFFICULT BIRD BEHAVIOR? I’ll go back a little bit here. Pet birds are regarded as exotic animals. This means they haven’t yet been domesticated. In general, birds are such unusual creatures, and they require different care than…

Things to Consider Before Adopting a Cockatiel

One of the most well-known species of pet parrots is the cockatiel. Cockatiels make wonderful pets for many reasons, including their beauty, friendliness, love of singing, playfulness, and relatively long lifespans. These adorable birds, which are originally from Australia, are…