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How To Keep Your Bird In Good Behavior


I’ll go back a little bit here. Pet birds are regarded as exotic animals. This means they haven’t yet been domesticated. In general, birds are such unusual creatures, and they require different care than more typical pets like dogs or cats. They are designed entirely for flight. Birds need a particular diet that gives them a lot of energy without making them gain a lot of weight. Birds depend on their flock mates for survival because they are lower on the food chain.

Members of the flock look for food sources and alert the flock as they are doing well. Every morning and evening, they check in on one another to make sure everyone is doing good. Additionally, they forewarn one another of possible danger, and they frequently cooperate to drive away the invader. You already know how sociable birds are.

The birds we keep as pets are incredibly sociable, intelligent, and energetic. They are prone to feeling bored and lonely, and they can also be highly worried. Additionally, they have some unique care requirements that, if not satisfied, can result in several issues on both a medical and an emotional level. And that’s where issues with bird behavior appear.

Don’t be too hard on yourself, please! Veterinarian doctors must complete training programs lasting at least two years. In order to become a certified avian veterinarian, I oversaw training beyond veterinary school. Animal behaviorists can pursue avian certification by enrolling in hours of postgraduate continuing education. There is plenty to learn!

I’m going to share some insider information on some of the most crucial parts of bird care in this blog post, which can help our feathered companions thrive.


It’s critical for all animals to practice preventative health. But it’s crucial for our pet birds in particular. You may be aware that parrots conceal illnesses and wounds. Multiple flock members may be in danger if one is unwell. Therefore, if a bird in the flock is acting weak or ill, its flock mates will probably drive it away. After all, it would only take one predator to enter and cause chaos, putting the flock as a whole in peril.

Additionally, your pet bird will keep any illness from you. At, we frequently hear heartbreaking stories like these. The prognosis for an illness is typically better the earlier it is discovered. Checkups should be done annually. The same holds true for preventative healthcare.

Our birds require complex routines for their well-being and health. To prevent malnutrition, they require a highly specialized diet. To keep flexible, in good shape, and pain-free, they also need to do enough exercise. If their complex social requirements are not addressed, they may experience excruciating depression and anxiety. Mental stimulation and a complete range of sensory inputs help prevent depression and anxiety. Chronic hormonal changes in our pets can lead to dangerous behavior and a variety of health issues. Did I also mention that parrots require 10 to 12 hours of sleep per night? It is challenging to interact with your pet after work because of this alone.

As you can see, maintaining your pet bird without a system in place may become a full-time job. It is understandable why qualifications in behavioral health and avian veterinarian medicine are difficult to obtain.


Avian vets tell us that the majority of their cases involve difficulties brought on by inadequate nutrition. In essence, your bird’s organs won’t function properly without appropriate nutrition, and critical body systems may eventually stop functioning altogether. It’s a laborious, long procedure. Additionally, your bird feels awful in the end. Nobody desires that for their lovely parrot.

Finding out how to correctly feed your pet bird may make you feel as though you need to be an expert in avian nutrition. The back label of a bag of bird food you buy at Pet Smart won’t provide you that information. Even a specialized bird shop might not have enough knowledge on the food of birds. Consider this. They profit by peddling you expensive bird pellets. A good diet for birds should include pellets, but for them to thrive, they also require other foods.

The truth is that your bird’s diet should consist of up to 60% fresh, unprocessed plant-based meals. Depending on the type of bird, the remaining 40%, give or take, should be quality bird pellets. I’ll go over some basic but crucial facts on avian nutrition here, but if you want to know which plant-based meals work best together to boost the bioavailability of nutrients, I’d advise you to purchase a cookbook that focuses on raw foods for birds. To maximize the bioavailability of crucial nutrients, always adhere to recipes.

Let’s be honest. Pellets, safflower seeds, and millet are not to be found in the South American or African rainforests or in the jungles of Africa. But what you will discover is a wide variety of plant-based food, including fruits, flowers, seedlings, and seed pods that are rich in protein and where wild birds spend the majority of the day foraging.


It is crucial for you to train your bird because they are intelligent creatures with intricate social demands. I’m going to discuss two kinds of behavioral training that are crucial to understand. To be able to swiftly stop problematic behaviors from emerging, you’ll need to teach your bird the fundamental behaviors as well as positive behavior management techniques.


In the wild, parents impart to their offspring all the knowledge necessary for survival and for interacting with the flock. Once chicks have left the nest, their fellow flock members encourage continued learning. This education covers a variety of topics, such as what foods are safe to consume, how to forage for food, how to groom oneself, how to communicate with other flock members, and more.

Your bird has not acquired the skills necessary to “be a parrot” unless it was parent-raised. If it was hand-fed, it is genuinely imprinted on humans and has no idea how to be a parrot in the slightest. You’ll have to take on the role of parrot parent in this situation.

One of the most lovable things you can do for your pet is to instill core habits. This holds true whether you have rehomed an adult bird or acquired a baby bird. First, your bird will understand how to communicate safely with every member of the flock. Second, it will be much simpler to divert aggressive behavior once your bird hits puberty or goes through a hormonal change. Third, if your bird has mastered key core behaviors, it will be a far more enjoyable pet to be with should you ever need to find it a new home.

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