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A Pet Bird To Your Home? Remember These Advice

Cage Dimensions & Position

Buy your bird a cage that is the right size. The cage’s length and width should, in general, be at least twice as large as your bird’s wingspan. We advise you to give your bird even more room so that it can stretch out and move about without restriction.

The location of this cage in your home is also crucial. Due to their sociability, birds do well in the following environments:

  • the living room
  • Ensure that your balcony is shaded.
  • A place you frequently hang out in with your family.

Kitchens and baths are not advised due to:

Bathrooms are frequently cramped quarters with subpar ventilation, where it can grow rather humid and hot. Additionally, lingering toxic odors from toilet cleaning products might be harmful. A hot day with high humidity makes it difficult for birds to cool off.

Birds do not perspire. They pant to control their body temperature. As a result, there is more circulation through the air sacs, which allows heat to be removed through evaporative cooling.

Kitchens can be hazardous, particularly if you use nonstick cookware or equipment. When such PTFE-coated cookware is overheated, noxious gases are released that are harmful to birds.

In other words, stay away from places where the humidity or temperature are subject to sudden changes.

Transition Period

First, give your bird some time to adjust to its surroundings and primary caregiver (you). The rest of the family or pets can then be gradually introduced over the course of a few days.

For birds, loud noises can be very stressful. Try to keep loud and sudden noises away from your bird if you have children, pets, or a large household. It would be ideal if you could delay using the vacuum cleaner or have a children’s party at your house during the first several weeks.

When you first bring your bird home, wait before handling him. For the first few days, when you feed him and clean the litter under his cage, leave him in the cage to get accustomed to you.

Never let your bird alone with your pet dog or cat. Spend a few weeks or perhaps months observing how they interact. If they don’t wind up becoming best friends, that’s fine too (like in all those cute videos on the internet). If they can handle being close to one another without getting upset, that is plenty.


Your bird will feel secure knowing what to expect. Regular routines also guarantee that your bird eats and sleeps adequately.

You will require a cover that is large enough to hide his cage while being open enough for him to breathe. This blocks ambient illumination from the streets or from inside your home at night (particularly in a bright city like Singapore). This is advantageous for avian health and helps to regulate their circadian clocks. How much rest do birds require? 10 to 12 hours per day.

Food Variety

Make sure you give your bird the same food the pet store or foster home used for the first several weeks. If he is eating something he is accustomed to, it makes him feel less worried. If you want to give him new food, introduce it gradually while blending it with his regular diet in little amounts.

In order to provide your bird with a balanced and nourishing diet, we advise that you feed it a range of foods. For instance, love birds require a diet of 75–80% pellets and 20–25% fruits and vegetables. Seeds are a rare treat. How often may seeds be fed? It ought to be as irregular as giving them candies and chocolates.

On the other hand, sprouted seeds make a fantastic food source for your birds. Additionally, if you do it yourself, you’ll be able to have a crop of inexpensive, high-quality, fresh sprouts! See this helpful how-to on seed sprouting.

Drink Lots of Water

Place water dishes at various locations (depending on the size of the cage). A water bowl can be put on a perch and another one can be put on the cage’s floor. However, keep an eye out to make sure the water bowl is not in a spot where your pet bird frequently defecates. To make sure the water stays clean, move it away from feces areas.

Play and fun

For your bird, purchase enjoyable toys like chewable posts, climbing frames, and mirrors. The visual stimulation provided by colorful toys is excellent (yes, your bird can perceive color!) He needs to play a lot for his mental health and well-being. Your bird can get some activity by digging, scratching, and exploring, which also helps to maintain the health of his bones. They can file their beaks down as a result.

Fun bird pet accessories

If you decide to leave toys in the cage, check on them more frequently since if your pet bird enjoys them a lot, they may become torn or worn out. Recognize that toys and perches might wear out, and make sure to replace them frequently. If your bird swallows damaged materials, shattered pieces, split plastic, etc., it could be dangerous.

As a result, we do not suggest toys or perches made of woven, rope, or tassel-covered materials. A new cage cover should be used if you detect your pet bird picking at the old one. Never use towels or fabrics with frayed edges as coverings.

Tree barks or perches made of natural wood with bells are excellent substitutes. Birds naturally like to munch on the bark and branches of trees, so wood is suitable.

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