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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

How to Choose the Best Location for Your Birdcage

Here are some additional considerations when putting your budgie’s cage outside.

The Ideal Temperatures

The most crucial factor to take into account before leaving your bird cage outside is the temperature. Make sure that the weather is comfortable for your bird outside.

Your pet bird is accustomed to warm, comfortable temperatures inside your home. Your bird may become stressed if you leave it outside because of the rapid shift in temperature.

Bear in mind that budgies prefer tropical conditions. Therefore, it is wise to wait until it is warm outside before installing the cage. They dislike spending a lot of time in the sun.

Your budgie can’t avoid the direct sunshine when the bird cage is outside. Due to the intense heat, this may cause breathing difficulties or even death.

When you place the cage outside in the daylight, be sure to keep an eye on your bird. Additionally, if it’s hot outside, don’t leave it out there for too long.

Are there any nearby predators?

Your budgie is susceptible to a variety of predators, therefore you need to ask yourself this question. Snakes, hawks, cats, and bats are a few examples of dangerous predators that could harm your pet.

Make sure there are no snakes before placing the bird cage outside because they can enter the cage very rapidly. The entire budgie cage can be stolen by large predator birds like hawks or eagles.

Pests like fire ants, mites, lice, mosquitoes, and others can harm your precious bird. Therefore, make sure the region is free of these pests before placing the cage outside.

Since it is confined, your parrot cannot flee if it is attacked by these creatures. You must therefore keep an eye out for any indications of attacks.

A budgie has the advantage of being able to recognize danger extremely quickly. As a result, you will constantly be aware of any potential threats near its cage.

How Secure Is Your Bird Cage?

The budgie can always look for a way to move out of the cage and thus raise the chance of escape because it is a wild bird. This could happen if your bird is untrained or hasn’t formed a bond with you yet.

Make sure there is no space for your bird to escape the cage before bringing the budgie cage outside. It ought to be constructed so that your parrot will remain inside and not partake in any stressful activities.

Because your pet parrot enjoys picking at the cage bar, it can be destroyed, and the bird can escape. Therefore, ensure that the bars are strong enough to prevent your bird from damaging them.

How Safe Is Your Home

When you are not at home, you can still leave the cage outside, but you must think about the security of your house.

If you are certain that no outsiders can enter your property, only let your bird outside.

To prevent illegal entrance, your home must be completely protected with a fence or a security system that is installed.

There is no need to leave the cage outside if you will be gone for an extended amount of time.

What’s the weather like?

Take into account the weather trends to avoid subjecting your budgie to unpleasant circumstances.

Don’t leave the care outside if it is raining, snowing, storming, or experiencing other severe weather conditions. Your bird may experience problems because it is more accustomed to indoor environments.

If the sun is too strong, take your pet parakeet outside for a short while before bringing it back inside to its cage. Due to how excessive heat affects budgies, this is important.

What Position Is Ideal for a Budgie Cage?
Here are various locations where you can put your bird cage.

Where the Bird Is Company, Part 1

Never let your budgie experience loneliness. The area where you spend the majority of your time with family or guests should be where the bird cage is placed.

A patio near the pool, the kitchen, the living room, or the family room are a few examples of these locations.

Budgies are sensitive to fumes, so avoid placing the cage near scented candles, the kitchen, or the place where you iron. To prevent disturbing your bird, you shouldn’t put the cage in a busy area.

Next to a wall

It’s best to keep the back of your bird cage against a wall. Your budgie will feel safer and be less vulnerable to predators and harsh weather as a result.

A Prominent Position

You should set your budgie cage on a table or buy a cage stand if it doesn’t have legs. When the cage is positioned at eye level, it is also simple to keep an eye on the bird.

Avoid Keeping the Cage in Areas with Extreme Heat

Extreme heat stresses budgies. Put your cage in an area with a lot of heat. A place where the bird would be exposed to a blast from the heater or air conditioner should be avoided.

Budgies can endure harsh conditions for a brief period of time. Your wonderful pet bird may experience long-term health problems if it is constantly exposed to cold or hot air.

Stay Away From Chewable Materials

If your bird enjoys chewing, keep the cage away from things it can get stuck on, including phone wires or old linens. It’s a good idea to provide your budgie with bird toys to play with within the cage.

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