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How to Form a Bond With Your Pet Bird

4 different methods for forming a friendship with your bird

The biggest error pet owners can make is to let their bird alone in its cage all day. It is not in a bird’s nature to be used as furniture or to spend their entire life in a cage. Allowing your bird to fly freely is crucial. But there is more that can be done to forge a loving connection between you and your bird, maximizing their potential as a companion and giving them the best possible existence. Making a bond with your bird also helps to minimize stress and loneliness, which can lead to both physical and mental health problems, such feather plucking, in birds. With these five best suggestions, they’ll become your feathered friend in no time.

Get cozy with your bird

Getting near and personal is the best approach to develop a bond. You may build a trustworthy bond with your bird by holding, grooming, and petting it. Start by gently touching your bird with your fingers through the cage if you think it’s nervous. They’ll feel safer and won’t feel overwhelmed if you keep them in their cage. Birds are incredibly fragile creatures, so don’t approach them quickly or with a hard touch. Instead, wait for them to approach you. Don’t be discouraged if your bird doesn’t take to you right away; like with any animal, bonding takes time. Instead, assume that they are simply terrified and being extra careful. Because of this, it’s crucial that your bird feels secure in its new surroundings and has faith in you. Petting animals has numerous advantages for people as well, since it causes your brain to release hormones that reduce tension and promote relaxation. They’ll be leaping up on your shoulder and putting their head on your cheek before you realize it!

Show your bird some tricks.

Tricks like these can be taught to birds:

  • switching between your finger’s tips
  • Leaping up ladders
  • Copy your language
  • Climb all over your body.
  • Give your bird one of its favorite treats when you are teaching it a new trick. Your relationship will strengthen if you pay them kind attention. Your bird will become friendlier and more social as a result of this.

Part with a bit of your meal

Bird flocks in the wild show their comradery by feeding one another. Sharing and consuming bird-friendly food will demonstrate to your bird that you are a member of their flock and build their trust.

Several foods that you can both consume are;

  • Greens and bananas
  • squash seeds
  • kernels of sunflower
  • Cacao nuts
  • new toys for your bird

Nothing beats a little bribery. Provide your bird with toys so they may play in their cage because birds love to play. Together, playing with the bird toys will help you become closer and build your relationship as you get to know one another better. Your bird will be happier as a result, which makes them cuddlier and more affectionate.

Sing, dance, and converse together.

It’s best if your bird hears you as often as possible. Even if your bird is unable to understand you, they may sense the happiness in your tone of voice when you speak to them softly about your day. Similar to how humans feel included when spoken to, birds too feel included when spoken to. Imagine how unhappy you would feel if you lived with a group of people who disregarded you. Sing, even better! Singing and dancing with your bird will strengthen your relationship with them and keep them physically fit and healthy. Birds love to move to music.

Make bird care a family affair. Your bird may still favor one human over the others, but by interacting with several people, your bird will be less likely to form unhealthy attachments. One method is to assign specific responsibilities for parrot care to members of your family. The level of bonding that results from this everyday interaction will lessen over-connecting with one person.

Your bird loves to be petted, good touch or poor touch. The majority of birds also enjoy returning the favor by nuzzling up to you, petting your hair, and other actions. However, some forms of caressing are actually seen as foreplay with parrots! Foreplay between parrots helps to cement the mate-like bond, but because the relationship can never be consummated, it eventually stresses out your bird. Learn how to correctly pet your bird and reinforce the fundamental behaviors of parrots.

Educate your bird in the following basic “parrot behaviors” Wild parrot parents impart to their young fundamental skills such as how to live within the flock’s social structure, how to groom and care for their feathers, and more.

You will need to teach your pet bird the fundamental habits it needs to survive in your house as the bird’s “parent.” It is your responsibility to teach your pet how to scavenge for food, eat a variety of safe plant-based foods, amuse themselves, and more. Discover the fundamental behaviors of parrots here.

Give your bird opportunities for multisensory enrichment because you are unable to clone a flock of birds in your house. Specifically, opportunities for play, chewing, bathing, visual and aural stimulation, everyday opportunities for exercise and foraging, a rich and diverse food, and bathing. YouTube’s Bird TV for Parrots is a favorite of our birds. They eat delectable plant-based cuisine every day and enjoy climbing trees and foraging toys.


A happy, healthy pet need your assistance in making them feel like they are a part of the family flock and in preventing a mate-like relationship. While prevention is always advised, we’ve also shown how to repair a toxic relationship.

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