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Is a Mouse The Right Pet For You

A mouse might be the perfect solution if there isn’t room in your home for pets, but the kids won’t stop asking for one. It is compact, leaves little mess, is manageable by little hands, and is, after all, as silent as a……mouse! Although some adults find the idea of having a mouse in the house extremely repulsive, decorative mice and pet mice are now common household pets that fit in any home and can teach a young child about the rewards and obligations of pet care.

Since mice have been domesticated for millennia, significant effort has been put into developing different coat colors and appearances. In reality, there are clubs dedicated to the breeding of mice all over the world, where enthusiasts exhibit their mice for judging on their health and looks.

The most typical form of pet mouse has a smooth coat and is available in many plain colors, although fancy mice are also available that have odd coat types, colors, and patterns. Their coat length can be short, roan, ticked, long, or even bald. Their colors range from white to brown, black, Siamese, color point. Manx mice are also occasionally found without tails.

The ideal method to begin is with two female mice because they are less aggressive and have a milder odor than males. Pick mice with lustrous, clean coats that don’t have any bald spots. They shouldn’t appear frightened or slumped over, and their eyes should be lively. They should be avoided if they appear unhappy, since they might be ill.

Pet mice are intelligent animals who appear to appreciate human interaction. They can be trained, are not overly afraid, and eventually develop relationships with people. They do bite, but most often only when startled or when handled improperly. Mice are wonderful pets because they have adorable personalities and are great for making people laugh.

The proper way to handle mice must be taught to children, and those under the age of five should be closely watched to ensure that they do so at all times. When first learning to use a mouse, kids should be seated on the floor because even the tiniest fall out of their hands might result in harm. You shouldn’t pick up a mouse by its tail because it could break.

Mice don’t need to be bathed or groomed. They are meticulous groomers and will maintain their glossy, clean coats if kept in a healthy environment.


Everyone in the household needs to learn how to tightly close the lid since, just like in the cartoons, they are adept at escaping through even the smallest opening.

Add a drip feeder for water and a small dish for food, along with a non-toxic material such as sawdust or recycled paper (commonly used for cat litter) to line the enclosure. If you throw in a piece of paper towel, they will line the nesting box themselves.

Mice always use a corner of their enclosure as a bathroom, and if this is not cleaned up once a week, the area will smell. The flooring material should be taken up and replaced, and any trash in the corner should be spotless. Every month, the entire cage needs to be properly cleaned with warm water.


Mice require toys to help them play and burn off energy because they are busy creatures. Mice love wheels, but since they are most active at night, pick one that is quiet so that no one in the house is awakened by their daily movement. They enjoy chewing on and playing with play tubes, munch balls, and small cat toys, and double-story mouse houses provide a path for them to run and explore. You can also hide wadded-up paper balls and cardboard egg cartons for them to break apart. Another entertaining toy for mice to play with is a toilet roll containing a treat.

Make sure that pet mice cannot gnaw telephone or electrical cables if they are permitted to roam free in the room. The mouse simply moves around the space while enclosed in the vented sphere, protected from being trapped behind objects like furniture.


Due to their continual appetites, mice should constantly have access to food and water. They can be fed commercial mouse pellets or cubes that are fortified with the necessary vitamins and minerals. This can occasionally be supplemented with some seeds, wholemeal bread or oats, fruit, vegetables, and herbs. The following foods should be carefully avoided: lettuce, celery, raw onions, peanut butter, human chocolate, and dairy products. Mice will eat anything, whether it is healthy for them or not.

Mice must gnaw to maintain their teeth worn down since they continue to grow. In addition to mouse pellets, giving them a non-toxic chew toy will help them maintain the proper length of their teeth. It’s also a good idea to chew on carrot sticks.

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