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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

How to Take Care of a Cockatiel

A cockatiel might be a great option if you prefer a small bird that is just as lovable and affectionate as a larger parrot but needs less space. Because they are so affectionate, cockatiels are cherished all around the world. They are calm, simple to breed, and enjoy being held and caressed. Compared to other parrots, cockatiels are less boisterous and create a delicate chirping sound. Cockatiels are a great choice for a novice because they are simple to train, affordable, and low maintenance.


Quite a calm bird. Speaking is not as well recognized as whistling.

Compared to cockatiels who are just hand fed or parent-raised, those that are parent-raised but also exposed to routine human handling during weaning mature to be tamer and more adaptable.

Expose young birds to family routines and other pets early on, so they can adapt to their new environment and activities quickly. Bright, inquisitive, and amenable to basic toys. They enjoy discovering new places. Due to their high levels of socialization, cockatiels must frequently engage with humans in order to feel fulfilled.

Cockatiels can form bonds with people, their cage mates, toys, and other cage accessories. Common outcomes include courtship, mating behavior, and egg-laying.

With the help of foraging stations, puzzle feeders, and “busy” toys, the environment is enriched, which lowers the likelihood of feather picking, hostility, and other issues.

Unrestricted access to the residence exposes birds to a variety of risks, including drowning, poison intake, electrocution, injury, etc. When not under direct supervision, cockatiels should be kept in their cage or placed in a “bird friendly” safe environment.

Chicken Cages

It is better to purchase the biggest cage you can afford for them to live in. A smaller cage is appropriate if your bird will spend the majority of the day outside. However, as cockatiels prefer to forage on the ground, a cage with a large floor area would be great; just be sure to add a grate across the bottom to prevent them from consuming their own waste.

Always keep safety in mind when purchasing cages. Keep in mind that your bird will spend the most of its life in a cage. Therefore, spending more money on higher-quality items is required to improve your cockatiel’s quality of life.

Many people believe that a cockatiel may live in a parakeet or budgie cage. The plastic-coated and weak wire bars will be destroyed by cockatiel beaks because of the insufficient size. The best cages are made of powder-coated or high-quality stainless steel.


Cockatiels enjoy using their powerful beaks, which they have in abundance. They love to chew, so having lots of toys they can tear apart will make them happy. The best possibilities include twig balls, toys made from palm or raffia strips, and strips of leather that has been vegetable tanned. Cockatiels enjoy playing with wooden toys, just like larger bird breeds do, as well as ice-cream sticks and balsa wood toys.

Your cockatiel needs opportunities to forage, whether they are within the cage or not. Expert foragers include cockatiels in the wild, and domestic birds have not lost this innate urge. Your cockatiel will benefit greatly from this as a terrific form of exercise and mental stimulation.

Anything that cockatiels can swing on, climb on, or bite to pieces will make them happy. Toys should be switched out frequently to keep your cockatiel’s mind engaged.

Cage bird diet

In the wild, cockatiels consume a wide variety of foods, including seeds, leaves, bark, insects, and grubs. Compared to their wild counterparts, your cockatiel won’t require as much energy, but they’ll still need a diversified diet.

There is a lot of disagreement among cockatiel owners; many advocates pelleted diets, while others feed their birds with seeds. Both are, however, generally accepted as long as your cockatiel eats a variety of foods.

In addition to a seed or pellet diet, your cockatiel will require a range of fruits, vegetables, and sources of protein. However, some foods are incredibly poisonous for cockatiels. The following is a list of these hazardous foods:

  • Avocado
  • Chocolate
  • food seeds
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Alcohol
  • Mushrooms
  • Honey
  • Salt
  • Caffeine
  • undercooked or dried beans
  • Rhubarb
  • any foods that are heavy in fat, salt, or sugar


The most crucial thing you can do to raise an intelligent cockatiel is to teach it to stand up. This is frequently the first command owners teach their bird. Simply place your fingers under the cockatiel’s chest, in front of the feet, to start training. During this, say “up” or “step up.” Your bird will rapidly learn the desired result when you say up or step up if you practice this instruction frequently.

It is crucial to employ positive reinforcement when training your cockatiel.


Cockatiels adore taking baths and even taking showers alongside their owners. Many people will cheerfully sit on the shower pole, but you can also buy special perches for this purpose. Bathing will keep your cockatiel’s feathers and skin clean and moisturized. Additionally, cockatiels tend to be dusty creatures, so showering will help prevent this. A mister, a little dish of water, or the kitchen sink are other options used by some owners.

Be ready for your bird to be a respected and cherished member of the family for a very long time. Cockatiels can live up to 25 years. Your cockatiel can live a long and healthy life if given the proper care, nourishment, and surroundings. Make an appointment with your veterinarian right away if you ever have any concerns or questions regarding your cockatiel’s behavior or health.

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