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Should I Use A Water Bottle Or A Water Bowl For My Rabbits?

Are you debating between giving your rabbits a water bowl and a feeder for bottled water? The pros and cons of using a bottle feeder vs a water dish are hotly contested. You may have seen or utilized both methods if you’ve owned rabbits in the past. Which, however, is genuinely superior?

I’ve utilized both techniques over the years that I’ve owned rabbits and have learned a lot about them. We’ll examine if using a water bowl or bottle feeder for your rabbits is better in this article. Learn how to feed your rabbit water in the following paragraphs.

Why Rabbits Need to Be Properly Hydrated

Your domesticated rabbits must always have access to fresh water. In addition to keeping the body hydrated, water is crucial for lubricating the digestive tract as well as other organs including the liver, kidneys, and bladder.

Rabbits are prone to dehydration, especially under stress. So it’s crucial that your rabbit always has access to fresh water, regardless of the manner of watering you pick.

Providing Water to Your Rabbits from a Bottle

a rabbit water bottle

Although using a bottle feeder is frequently cleaner and somewhat simpler than using a water dish, everything has its drawbacks. Let’s examine the benefits and drawbacks of giving your rabbits bottled water.


As previously indicated, bottle feeders require less upkeep than water dishes. They require less maintenance, waste less water, and are less likely to contaminate the water. Here are a few advantages of providing your rabbits with a bottle water feeder.

Bottles are cleaner: Rabbits can ruin water bowls by knocking them over or destroying their bedding, among other things. Therefore, using a bottle-fed water feeder instead of a water bowl for your rabbits is considerably cleaner. They won’t need to be washed out as frequently as a water bowl, but at least once a week should be plenty.

Less waste: Using a bottle as compared to a water bottle results in less water waste. This is so that your rabbit can’t knock it over and because even if they fall off, there won’t be a spillage. It also doesn’t need to be cleaned as frequently because your rabbits can’t spill the bottle or make the water inside dirty.


Bottled water feeders offer advantages, but they can have disadvantages. Let’s examine the drawbacks associated with choosing a bottle feeder for your pet rabbits.

Because drinking from a bottle is not natural for rabbits, it is uncomfortable for them to use. Because kids have to drink more, having their head and neck inclined upward is an terrible posture that can harm them later in life. This is particularly true if it is not positioned at the proper height. It’s ideal if it’s high enough to keep their neck straight.

Less water is distributed: Bottled water feeders only allow your bunny to drink one drop at a time, which might get boring even for a rabbit that is really thirsty. This also implies that it takes your bunny longer to try to drink enough water while having its head in an awkward position.

Bottles can clog up: Using a bottle feeder to provide water to your rabbits has another drawback in that the spout and ball can both become stuck. When rabbits move back and forth while eating and drinking, kibble residue can accumulate and jam the spout or cause the ball to become stuck. Additionally, it may occur if the spout is not spotless.

Making Your Rabbit’s Use of a Water Bowl

a rabbit watering can

If there are multiple rabbits, water basins are more common and generally preferable. Water bowls, however, need to be continuously supplied or cleaned because they can be easily dumped. Let’s discuss the advantages and disadvantages of water dishes in more detail.


The more popular of the two options is water bowls. According to legend, the majority of rabbits actually like the water bowl over the bottle. Here are some advantages of providing your rabbits with a water bowl.

Easier to sip from: Earlier, we discussed how awkwardly a bottle feeder can position the head. A rabbit can drink water considerably more easily from plates and bowls. Not to mention that they can drink water without restriction rather than a drop at a time.

Fresher water: Compared to bottle feeders, water dishes typically need to be refilled or cleaned out more frequently. This may be bothersome, but it does mean that the water is usually fresher because the dish is continually being replaced, and the rabbits drink more from it at one time.


Even though a water bowl is gentler for your bunny, it has drawbacks such as requiring much more frequent cleaning, particularly if your rabbits are very rowdy and tip their bowls. Let’s discuss the drawbacks of giving your rabbits a water bowl as opposed to a bottle feeder.

More frequent cleaning and refilling is required: The fact that you’ll need to fill and clean a water bowl for your bunnies more frequently is one of the drawbacks. In addition to the possibility of tipping or getting dirty, your rabbit will likely drink more as a result.

Easy to spill or get messy: Stone water bowls are particularly easy to tip over unless you get really heavy ones, which can deprive your rabbit of water until you discover the dropped dish. It can add up to a lot of water waste and bedding waste if your rabbits make it a habit. In addition, as rabbits drink, a film is left in the bowl that needs to be cleaned every day.


Bottles are more practical for us pet owners, but rabbits typically don’t find them to be very practical. As previously indicated, research have shown that when given the option between a water bowl and a bottle water feeder, rabbits typically choose the water bowl.

Obviously, not all bunnies are created equal. The bottle water feeder-accustomed rabbits may be more likely to remain steadfast and never stray. I personally use both possibilities. Chile, my younger rabbit, tends to tip both his food and water dishes very regularly and prefers the bottle to the bowl. My older rabbit, though, favors the dish.

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