My Story
This is a Courtesy listing for one of our volunteers. This dog is available through City of San Antonio Animal Care services (ACS) and adopter would need to drive to San Antonio for pick up.
Momo has a City of San Antonio Animal Control Services ID number (ACS ID) A722619 and he is available for ADOPTION or RESCUE from ACS directly.
Meet Momo
The AI robots keep identifying me as a Boston Terrier due to my dramatic parti black white face mask. But I am not a Boston. I’m a large 1 & 1/2 year old, black and white American Staffordshire Terrier also called a Pitbull too. A panda Pitbull!
On August 1, a person driving a red truck dumped me in the Cul de sac of my Finder Lady’s neighborhood. I showed up in her yard and came up to the porch asking for help, and whimpering and showed the Finder Lady my belly. I was scared and confused.
We hopped in her SUV and took me to Vet to get scanned for chip. I had a chip, but the owner does not respond to the multiple forms of communication. The city still will hold me until August 7th in case my owner wants to reclaim me. After that I can be adopted or rescued. Since there is no room at the city shelter my Finder Lady is keeping me at her house, so I don’t end up back on street waiting for Animal Control.
I was born wearing a tuxedo and behave as a dapper refined gentleman while indoors. A tad whiney at times for a dapper refined gentlemen, but a gentle man nonetheless. I am house and potty trained, know sit and down, and wait to eat my food until a human says “okay”.
I am energetic outside, walkable on a leash but pulley if I see a deer or squirrell or a lizard. Or people walking by! Sorry y’all!!
I tip tap whop whop my tail anytime I see the Finder Lady or her Finder Man. I show my belly for pats. My Finder Humans do not have dogs, (they passed away at 15 years old), but I do not bark at the neighbor’s very barky dog (no offense Amber).
Overall, I am sweet and it’s quite obvious someone took the time to train me as a pup.
I enjoy lounging on the cool tile while Finder Human works on the computer. I’m lucky she works from home a bunch!
We go on short break walks and so far that has been enough activity for me. I enjoy to chase the water sprinkles when Finder Human fills the bird baths. She finds this quite annoying. I find it fun!
Oddly, despite my microchip saying my name has been Momo for 1 & ½ years. I do not respond to it. But I do respond to kissy sounds or other weird human mouth bubble or burby sounds. Just not my name.
Please help me. I am a good boy. I didn’t deserve to be dumped in a cul de sac to fend for myself.
Momo- ACS dog, 1 1/2 years, greater than 50 pounds, American Staffordshire Terrier/Pitbull, black/white, good with dogs in passing (but doesn’t currently live with any), good with kids (but strong and loving so could be knocked down with the cuddles of 1000 hippos), not cat tested (but based on chasing of lizards & squirrels, probably no to cats), house/potty trained, knows most commands, follows person, loves sleeping smack dab next to a person, very loving
Here is his ACS A722619 link if you want to adopt or rescue Momo: