My Story
!!! Located at ACCT Philly, 111 W Hunting Park Avenue, Philadelphia PA !!!Junior A44077059Intake Type: (3/25) Owner/ Guardian Surrender -- Reactive BehaviorDog Meets:Junior and Athena:, Lexx and Peanut: loves cheese -- Walking -- and Trooper through fence 1 -- and Trooper through fence 2 -- Observation:(4/14) Vet Check -- On brief kennel side exam no ocular discharge noted. Eyes are clear with no erythema or conjunctivitis, not blepharospastic. Eyes do not require treatment at this time. Pupils very dilated and patient was hard barking and baring teeth at front of kennel. Vet nurse reports that can be removed from kennel and outside of kennel is nervous but active and pulls to run and explore. No diarrhea or any defecation noted on monitor sheet, possible is defecating outdoors when taken out for walks. Continue to monitor.(4/12) Vet Check- Pittie with reported diarrhea. Was recently treated with course of Metronidazole and Fortiflora. Causes of D+ include stress colitis, dietary indiscretion, infectious, other. Has already been dewormed. Placing monitor sheet for diarrhea, place back on vet check if additional D+ noted and may need to repeat course of Metronidazole and Fortiflora.(4/1) Vet Check -- Adult (approx 3-5 years old) MI K9 with high levels of anxiety in shelter, not responding to current levels of trazadone(3/29) Vet Check -- Patient crouched on kuranda bed (other side of kennel closed for cleaning at the time of assessment), pinned ears, whale-eyeing, dilated pupils and head lowered. Was not growling when approached, but showing all nervous behaviors. Some dried spread blood on kennel floor near guillotine, bedding that dog is laying on has normal urine stain with no blood. No wounds or blood visualized on dog, but since laying down could be missing. Due to behavior did not remove from kennel for full exam. Will monitor to see if blood noted again, and attempt full exam if any more blood noted.Behavior Observation:(4/12) Per Vet Staff- Very nervous, cowers by door and trying to get out, side eye and some whale eye, avoidant of handling but no overtly aggressive behaviors. (4/7) Volunteer observations -- Junior presented at the front of his kennel with four paws on the floor. He initially backed away when door was opened, but came forward for a treat. He accepted the treat gently and allowed handler to leash him. Dog transitioned through the kennel area and building with no issue. Walked past multiple dogs in kennel with no interest. Walked nicely on the leash with min/mod pulling. Entered large play yard with no issue. Interested in sniffing perimeter of yard. Not overly interested in handler, although very engaged for cheese or tennis balls. Junior liked playing fetch and loosened up while playing. Dog meet: Calm during walk along, didn't attempt to engage or pull towards other dog. Was interested when we stopped on the grass to introduce. He did not react negatively when snapped at. He instead started sniffing the grass and avoided the other dog. Meet ended and returned to kennel with no issue. (4/1) Per Vet Staff -- dog is trembling in kennel, very scared, low growling(4/1) Lifesaving Eval -- sat on outside of kennel for about 5-10 minutes giving high value treats. Dog remained at front of kennel taking treats. Opened kennel door and sat at opening. Dog still stayed at the front of the kennel taking treats very nicely and started eating treats directly from handlers hand. Handler was then able to easily leash dog. Dog was leashed and exited kennel without any problems. Pulls hard on leash when walking, but no further issues. When handler entered run dog explored and sniffed around - dog was aloof to handler most of the time, but did solicit attention a few times and nicely sniffed handlers hand. Handler was able to pet dog at this time, but did not attempt any further handling. Dog met another dog through the fence and perked up with a wagging tail. No issues going back into kennel, handler was able to remove slip lead without any problems. Evaled Blue.(4/1) Per Staff -- Unable to remove from kennel at this time after 3 days on Trazadone. Retreats to opposite side of kennel when approached. Low growls, whale eye and hypersalvating.(3/26) Evaluation -- Unable to remove from kennel at this time. Avoidant and retreats to opposite side of kennel when approached. Low growls, whale eye, hypersalvation. Extremely tense and uncomfortable.(3/25) Per Previous Owner -- protective, aggressive to strangers, hyperactive, comes when calls, walks well on leash, jumps on people, lets you take toys/food, snaps at people, lately aggressive to everyone. Aggression to strangers now build up to people he is always around. Affectionate when he doesn't snap and playfulThis animal may be available through ACCT Philly's Adoption Program. As this pet goes through the shelter processes, medical and behavior information are updated here! They may become specially promoted for Events or our Adoptions Programs, or may require transfer through our Love Local ProgramTo view our list of adoptable animals, please visit learn more about our Love Local Program, please visit this your missing pet? If you believe so, please make sure to follow the instructions listed at so that we can make sure that you are reunited as soon as possible! as more information is known.We are the Animal Control facility for Philadelphia, and we are open for adoption, foster and rescue placement Monday through Friday from 1pm to 7pm, Weekends and Holidays from 10 am to 5pm.